How to Serve Pancakes to Babies
How to Serve Pancakes to Babies
Golden, buttery stacks, dripping with syrup, and served on a weekend with plenty of time for preparation and clean up. This is usually what we imagine when we consider making pancakes for the family. Not only is this not very BLW friendly, but spending a day off cleaning batter from the walls and syrup off the floors can seem less than appealing to busy parents.
Don't take out your mops and wet-wipes quite just yet, because we have a recipe you can share with clients that might just change their minds.
Fluffy, delicious and whipped up in just minutes, these two ingredient banana pancakes are a piece of (pan)cake to get on, and off, the table!
Take a look at this video to see the simplest pancakes are made:
How to Prepare The Simplest Banana Pancakes
Pancakes, BLW, Salt-Free, Tasty, baby, baby led weaning, infant, nutrition, first foods, breakfast, snack, healthy, safe, health, wellness
Pancakes, BLW, Salt-Free, Tasty, baby, baby led weaning, infant, nutrition, first foods, breakfast, snack, healthy, safe, health, wellness
Pancakes, BLW, Salt-Free, Tasty, baby, baby led weaning, infant, nutrition, first foods, breakfast, snack, healthy, safe, health, wellness
Pancakes, BLW, Salt-Free, Tasty, baby, baby led weaning, infant, nutrition, first foods, breakfast, snack, healthy, safe, health, wellness
Pancakes, BLW, Salt-Free, Tasty, baby, baby led weaning, infant, nutrition, first foods, breakfast, snack, healthy, safe, health, wellness
Method & Recipe
Take one large, very ripe banana and mash it in a bowl with a fork.
Crack two eggs into the bowl; mix them in with the banana and whisk until everything is well combined.
Melt some oil or butter in a skillet over low to medium heat.
Drop about 1 tablespoon worth of batter into the pan to make one perfect BLW sized pancake.
Flip the pancakes after one minute and cook on the other side for an additional minute.
Remove from the pan gently.
Allow the pancakes to cool, serve and watch them be devoured!
These pancakes provide a healthy source of sustained energy (from the egg yolk and cooking fat) and rapid energy (from the banana). Clients can also keep up egg allergen exposure by offering these pancakes regularly.
In addition to this eggs, contain readily-available heme iron to support infant’s developing brain and body, making them an excellent addition to the family food rotation.
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